• United Caribbean Trust sponsors container of hurricane relief supplies for churches in Grand Bahamas and Nassau
  • United Caribbean Trust distributing Healing Hurting Hearts children's Post Traumatic Stress Curriculum in Bahamas
  • United Caribbean Trust distributing Sawyer PointOne Community Filtration Systems to Bahamas following hurricane Dorian
  • United Caribbean Trust distributing Sawyer PointOne Community Filtration Systems to Bahamas Feeding Network following hurricane Dorian
  • United Caribbean Trust distributing Sawyer PointOne Community Filtration Systems to Bahamas Community Watch following hurricane Dorian
  • United Caribbean Trust distributing Sawyer PointOne Community Filtration Systems to Bahamas Community Watch following hurricane Dorian
  • United Caribbean Trust sponsors container of hurricane relief supplies for churches in Grand Bahamas and Nassau

Goshen Group (Bahamas) Director

Minister Sharmaine Adderley


 To positively impact the field of IT in the Bahamas through Educational and Infrastructural Development.
 To impact lives of individuals in a positive and meaningful way by assisting in the development of individuals, homes, communities and nations.
 To utilize my skills and connections to secure both Domestic & International opportunities to create economic advancement for myself and others.  To motivate others to realize their full God-given potential in life.

Minister Sharmain is the Present President – Commune Sports Bahamas

 Organize/Conduct Activities for Children, Teens, Youth, Families and Communities 
Organize/Conduct Leadership Training for New and Emerging Leaders
 Train and Level 1 and Level 2 Leaders in Sports Strategies for the transformation of individuals, organizations and communities
 Liaise with Local and International Leaders for the transformation of individuals, organizations and communities. _____________________________________________________________________________________

Bahamas PowerPoint Phase #1

Goshen Group CEO Jenny Tryhane
  Goshen Group CEO

Goshen Group Bahamas Director
  Goshen Group Bahamas Director
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