Imagine that God has entrusted to people like us, redeemed sinners, the responsibility of carrying out the divine purpose of history!
Our mission: God could have done it himself, He could have sent his army of angels but it was God’s will to trust us with the task.
Our motive: “Then the end will come” We have come far closer to the finishing of this mission than any other previous generation.
We have done more in the last two centuries in world-wide evangelization that all the preceding centuries since the apostolic age.
We are not optimists with rose tinted glasses, expecting the Gospel to conquer the world and establish the Kingdom of God in This Age. We are not expecting to be whisked off into the sky before the Tribulation and the greatest out pouring of God’s Spirit for the end time harvest. Neither are we despairing pessimists who feel that our task is hopeless and futile in the face of the evil of This Age. We are Biblical realists, who recognize the terrible power of evil and yet who go forth in a mission of worldwide evangelization until Christ returns in glory to accomplish the last and greatest victory. I read the end of the book and we win! Praise God.
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CLICK to meet Professor Gary Matsdorf CLICK to view the Graduation CLICK for Mount Zion’s Missons Foursquare Barbados Bible Institute CLICK to read Pastor Derek Baird's address on behalf of the students |